Comparison More Years

Displays a statistical graph that compares the values of turnover, expenses and resulting profit for each year loaded in the program (the last is the current year).

Axis Y: indicates the multiplicative factor of the Y axis of the graph.
Arpro Partner guarantees combo-box for selecting the type of chart (Lines, Bars or Pie).
@/Arpro latest news two-dimensional or three-dimensional graphic representation.
Stress-Free Accounting  Activate/deactivate the chart legend.
Arpro google Activate/deactivate analytic data visualization.
The best solution calculates the graph, also useful in case of change of search conditions.
Easy accounting software to print the chart.

Turnover/Expenses Month

This displays a statistical graph that compares the values of turnover and expenses for each month for the current year.

Turnover/Expenses Day

Displays a statistical graph that compares the values of turnover and expenses for 7 days and the last one is the current day.

Sales for Month

Displays a statistical graph which represents the sales trend, month by month for the year set in the scroll control on the right side of the graph.
It is mandatory to select a customer, in the search conditions on the right side and we also find optional filters for product group and article brand.

Purchases for Month

Similar to the previous statistic, it affects purchases and therefore the supplier must be selected.

Article Turnover

Displays a statistical graph that compares the values of turnover, expenses, month by month, for the year set in the scroll control on right side of the graph, relative to the selected warehouse item.
It is mandatory to select an article, in the search conditions to the side and we also find optional filters for product group, article brand.

… Article for Customer

Displays a statistical graph which represents the sales trend, month by month, in the year set in the scroll control on the right side of the graph, relative to the selected customer and warehouse article.
It is mandatory to select a customer and an article, in the search conditions on the right side and we also find optional filters for product group, article brand.

Agent Turnover

Displays a statistical graph which represents the sales trend, month by month, in the year set in the scroll control on the right side of the graph, relative to the selected agent.
It is mandatory to select an agent, in the search conditions on the right side and we also find an optional filter for article brand.

… Agent/Group/Customer

Displays an analytical report which represents various turnovers by agent:
– By Product Group
– By Customer
– By Customer/Product Group
– By Customer/Product Group + Q.ty and Purchase Price
– By … + Master Data Typology
It is possible to work between a period of 2 consecutive years, for example the current and the previous one, also indicating the start and end months.
It is also possible to add to the filter conditions by date, by the customer typology, and forcing conditions of articles that have an associated product group.
The processing of the analytical report extracts data from the following documents: sale invoices or accompanying invoices.

Analytical Turnover …

Displays an analytical report which represents different types of turnovers:
– By Product Group
– By Product Group – Transp. Doc.
– By Product Group, Article
– By Product Group, Customer
Excluding the first printing option, for the remaining ones the reference period that can be indicated in the filters is only for one year at a time. Only for the second printing option, the program extracts data from the transport documents (a document not yet billed to the customer).

Turnover Customers/Suppliers

This opens a window that groups together different types of analytical reports, with different applicable filter conditions.
Sale Invoices, Accompanying Invoices, Purchase Invoices: displays the turnover by type of document selected, for the period set and for the type by customer/supplier.
Sold by Article + Average Price: displays the turnover by sale invoices, accompanying invoices, invoice receipts, cash receipts or for single selected item. In particular, it displays the type of sales document, the customer, the quantities, the taxable amount, the total quantity and sold and the relative average price.
It is also possible to add as a search condition for the article supplier, automatically inserted by the program in the various sales documents.
For Article +++: similar to the previous one. It groups sales by document type and customer, it does not display average sales values.
Sold by Customer: reports the list of items sold for the selected customer (quantity and taxable amount). It is mandatory to select a customer in the filter conditions.
Movements/Q.ty for Article: reports for each article or for all warehouse articles, the initial quantities (values saved with the creation of the New Year), the quantities purchased, the quantities sold, the inventory quantities in the warehouse (for differences).
By default, reports only items that have value, to print them all press the Arpro support center button.
Purchased per Article + Average Price: reports for single article, the purchased for quantity and price, the total amount and the average purchase value.
Invoice Receipts: reports the sales for invoice receipt. It is also possible to add, by typology, to the filter conditions.

Sales/Purchases Inventory

They are all prints, each dedicated to the type of document, displaying the sold or purchased for the specified period. The significant fields reported are the following: code and description of the item, unit of measurement, quantity, total amount and average value.