Aimed at manufacturing companies, it performs management and control of production trends, from the calculation of material requirements with the generation of orders to suppliers, against customer orders or supply of goods in warehouse, to the management of production processes with detection of times of the departments and/or operators, up to the final phases of control and comparison of the results obtained.
The whole system is perfectly integrated with the base platform @/Arpro, from which it collects information and data for processing and control. The various areas of integration connect the warehouses items and the BOMs, the customer and supplier master data, the management of the customer and supplier order portfolios.
All the processed data remain saved in the program archives and are shared in the various departments, even with the basic management application @/Arpro.
@/Arpro Erp is a very simplified management and control system of production processes, it also allows to achieve high levels of integration thanks to the contribution offered by our programming departments, which can customize the modularity of the programs.
Many customizable printouts are available, using the Object Crystal Report XI® program you can adapt them to your needs or request customization at your point of assistance.
The customer job order printing module, an integral part of the application to which an interactive manual has been dedicated, is completely customizable through an interactive graphic module tool present in the program. Several users work with this tool without any need for specialized personnel.
In the production area, the central core of the application, a “channel” of communication with the external environment was made available for integration with programs of analysis. Microsoft Project® is a real possibility of integration, offering a control monitor on the “current production status” through specific Gantt® diagrams.
Through a specific programming in source format made available by our development department, for interested companies and that have resources for adaptation, it is also possible to customize the platform.
The program in the analysis area, however, provides tools for obtaining information, analysis and comparison in general.
@/Arpro Erp is a program easily adaptable to production processes already established in the company, excellent as a tool for organizing production and analysis.
No level qualifications are necessary to use it, normally a basic preparation and a targeted to the needs, often it is sufficient even considering the level of simplicity and approach offered by the operational windows.
Primarily it offers a level of approach to the problems in 2 distinct levels: using the complete production platform, through the use of production launches and all that is part of the connected context, or simply operating in the job orders platform.
Although it represents a simplification of industrial production processes, thanks to the simplicity offered and with considerable adaptability, the job order platform is sometime the most suitable solution.
Both platforms can still operate, considering that the primary also includes the secondary, where the production processes can also be distinguished by management difficulties.
Please refer to the specific manual of the job orders for more details.
Technical Assistance and Training support
Despite the simplicity of use of the applications @/Arpro, even in the production area considered in many respects difficult to manage and organize, it is appropriate to consider the aspect of the training activities.
Our company provides free training videos available on our website, oriented to the first basic level, on applications and in particular on basic aspects.
In the production area and all the peculiarities involved, a series of important elements must be considered to define the organization:
- internal production resources
- operational resources
- instrumental resources
- external production resources
Production Planning
- quickly understand sales orders and forecasts
- evaluate the impact on the production system
- plan the purchase of materials, semi-finished products and work account, in accordance with external constraints (delivery times, reliability of suppliers, etc.)
- scheduling work orders on productive resources in accordance with internal constraints (crossing times, production capacity and bottlenecks, etc.)
- monitor the actual progress compared to the planned one
- check compliance with the agreed delivery dates (customer service level), activate appropriate corrective actions where necessary
Production Processes
- production process on job order
- batch production process
- continuous production process
As has been pointed out, the organization of production requires attention and must be aimed at the company’s capabilities, the availability of resources and the defined objectives.
Our solutions offer certain advantages, but must be understood, interpreted and in some cases adapted to the needs. Our technical and consulting staff is available, all activities are provided in respect of what is indicated in the End User License Agreement for @/Arpro products.
We strongly recommend that you activate a service contract for the use of @/Arpro applications, especially in the production area, to receive the necessary support and updates.
Preliminary steps (in summary)
- (@/Arpro) insertion of basic master data, with regard to customers and suppliers
- (@/Arpro) insertion of the basic master data, relative to the warehouse items with all the data necessary for the procurement of materials
- (@/Arpro) organization of departments and production operators
- (@/Arpro Erp) creation and definition of BOMs constraints (if used)
- (@/Arpro Erp) choice of the most appropriate production system (Production Launches or Job Orders)
- (@/Arpro Erp) procurement of materials (raw, semi-finished or finished materials)
- (@/Arpro Erp) analysis and quality controls
- (@/Arpro) delivery of finished products to the customer, billing and accounting.