This module is an integral part of the @/Arpro Erp program, it is automatically enabled when the entire production program is purchased or by purchasing the specific Job Order module.
This last opportunity is addressed to companies with modest production management needs, when the procedures provided in the single module are sufficient.
Basically, the management of the job orders is concentrated in a document, which allows the insertion of warehouse articles and tasks taken from the master data of the work centers. The insertion of the tasks requires not only the choice of the work center, but it also requires the operator and the time spent (in the consumptive, if it is not a production estimate).
All this information, together with other data that can be included in specific job order windows, contributing to defining all aspects of production, the real costs incurred, sales margins and income.

From the main menu select “Production” item, “Job Orders”, to open the basic production document.
The window that appears displays the job orders created in the year set where each highlight some general information in it: number, creation date, status, code and description, customer, etc.
Like most documents managed by @/Arpro applications, it presents a window where the list of documents created is displayed; after selecting one in particular, by double-clicking on the record in the grid or selecting the “Card” tab, the document is opened and the data contained in it is displayed.
In a multi-user environment with multiple users connected to the program, the “Card” tab is displayed with a different name: “Card (double-click)”.
In this case, once the document is open, this will be in view-only mode: no data can be changed. By double-clicking on the card, the program performs a network check to make sure that no other user is editing the same document then enables the various available fields.
The order is divided mainly into 2 sections: head and body, with all the records composing the selected document.

Unlike the other documents, it is possible to insert selected tasks from the work centers, as well as the operators involved in the production processes, warehouse items and various notes. The distinction between the different types of body records is indicated in the first “Type” column, using the following syntax: “L” -> Tasks, “A” Warehouse Articles, “V” note and various descriptions.
Thus, work centers and operators, warehouse items such as raw materials or semi-finished or finished products, are the first elements to be organized to manage and control the company’s production.
In the document’s body fields, we also find the code and the description, 3 fields are reserved for the quantities and the management of partial evasion (Work Progress), price fields with relative discounts or reloads (depending on the management defined in the customer’s master data), total amounts fields and expected or alleged delivery dates.
About the 3 specific fields for the quantities, “Q.ty-Ord.”, “Residual” and “Delivery”, some technical details must be provided: the first one indicates the value of quantity originally ordered, the second one the remaining value still to be processed, while the third one represents the value that will processed during the execution of the document.

If the record is an article, the program will unload the quantity from the warehouse that has been consumed or manufactured when the document has been executed, if the record is a task, it will only be processed.
The “Delivery” column is the only field that can be modified (if the row has not been completely executed), a value of zero can also be inserted to exclude the record from being executed.

The execution of a job order considers the entire content of the task records and materials (present and still to be executed). Many times, however, it is necessary to be able to carry out partial evasion (work progress reports), to invoice the parts already produced and/or available.
For more information, consult the customer and supplier order management section (with relative examples) in the @/Arpro basic program.