Arpro university

This is the data archive dedicated to budget management, where we find a list of manually created or imported records that represent the forecast value to be considered in advance.
Every single record contains a reference to the account in the analytical accounts plan, for a cost or revenue center, a date of competence and finally a total amount.
These data are useful for projecting estimates and consequently analyzes in advance with the aim of comparing the real values with the estimated ones. With these forecasts records you will be able to define an optimal and balanced company path.

In the part of the program where it is possible to extract balance sheet data, a report is available that compares the actual analytical values and those forecasted in the budget on behalf of the account (from the main menu select “@/Arpro Analytical Accounting” + “Analysis” + “Budget”).

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Sales Invoice

creates a budget item where you can define if it is a cost or revenue, the analytical account and the revenue/cost center.

The best solution for the accounting

deletes the selected budget.


deletes all visible budgets.

Easy accounting software

prints the displayed budget.

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Arpro news

inserts the analytic account by selecting it from the list, in the current record or creating it if no record is present.

One Business Management Software

inserts the revenue/cost center by selecting it from the list, in the current record or creating it if no record is present.


defines if the selected budget record is a revenue or cost.


applies the query to the search conditions defined in the section below “Selection Criteria”.

Selection Criteria
Cost/Revenue Item: it is possible to insert the cost or revenue analytical accounts to define the range of data to be extracted in the query.
Cost Center: defines the cost center for the search.
Cost Center: defines if to display only cost or revenue records or both (default) in the query.
From date … to date: defines the reference time period.
Months: it is a locked field.
Sorting: defines the sort order of the query (Voice Expense, Cost Center, By Date).


Minimize the amount of time spent on accounting

It is an archive of supporting data, useful in the case of analytical movements that are repeated from year to year with constancy.
In practice it will be possible to create a whole series of “Contracts”, one for each single need, with the various data that defines its type. With a single execution transaction and for only active “Contracts”, the corresponding analytical movements are generated in the budget archive.
These movements will be considered as forecast data flows, not real as those generated automatically by accounting. However, it is useful for the analysis contexts made available in the program.


Sales Invoice

creates a new contract.

The best solution for the accounting

deletes the selected contract.

A r p r o

displays all active contracts in the budget movements archive. The active contracts present the value “On” in the “Run” column (“List” tab); contracts that may not be used in the current year may be deactivated, though retained in the archive.

Card Tab
This window contains most of the data of a normal analytical movement, necessary to generate in the appropriate archive. For more details, refer to the previous section of this manual.
There is also a section that defines the periodicity of the single contract: “Periodicity”.
The periodicity establishes the number of contracts and therefore analytical movements, which are generated during the phase of execution. It could be “Annually” (1 movement), “Semiannually” (two movements), “Quarterly” (four movements), “Bimonthly” (six movements) or “Monthly” (12 movements).
The execution of “Contracts” can be done regularly, normally it happens one time per year.



Moviments Analysis

It represents one of the central parts of analysis of analytical data produced by general accounting movements and any budgets loaded.
In this context we have 4 different types of analysis available (Print Type):

  • Movement List
  • Horizontal Movements
  • Vertical Movements
  • Movements for the Center

All other parameters are search criteria that condition the query for extracting the data to be represented in the type of print.
Among these we find: Cost/Revenue Item, Cost Center, Account Type, Cost Type, Cost Specifications, From date … to date, Analytic Causal and Sorting.

Some general clarifications on the classification of analytical costs should be made.
Cost classification is an important concept in budgeting, accounting and project management. While creating a project budget, categorizing expenses provides understanding of components that form the budget.

Direct cost and indirect cost are two different concepts used for budget planning and accounting operations. There are some differences between them. It is not easy to make a certain distinction between direct cost and indirect cost all the time. Because direct and indirect cost are based on the nature of product and business.
Simply put, direct costs are attributable to a product or a goods or service itself. Direct costs are directly related with the product. On the other hand, indirect costs are those required to produce the product however, they are not directly related with the product.
Indirect costs are those which effect the whole company such as depreciation, accounting services, general supplies and board salaries. They are not just for only one product. Overhead costs, ongoing costs, project management costs, operational costs are indirect costs.
The cost classification process is very important in project cost management. It enables to develop an effective cost control and profit planning system. If you don’t know which cost is direct or which is indirect, you cannot perform cost control effectively. Also, it is helpful for decision making.
It is significant to have a clear understanding of cost classification. During the procurement of a goods or a service, you can compare their direct and indirect costs to your project separately.


Simple accounting program

In this context we have 3 different types of analysis available (Print Type):

  • Cost and Revenue Center Balance
  • Job Order Balance
  • Analytical Balance

The last one represents the main part of the reports, displays the analytical balance.
All other parameters are search criteria that condition the query for extracting the data to be represented in the type of print. Please consult the previous section for more details.


Quickbooks Accounting

In this context we have 3 different types of analysis available (Print Type):

  • Consumptive/Spending Account Budget
  • Consumptive/Job Order Budget
  • Consumptive/Budget

Please consult the previous section for more details.


In all cases where customized printouts are required, which are not available among those available, the program provides a tool to connect external printouts and transfers all of the parameters necessary for their execution.
However, the creation of external printouts requires good knowledge of the Object Crystal Report(R) tool, necessary for the creation of the same. In these cases, we advise you to contact qualified personnel.



Arpro Trademarks

Used in the context of the production and included in customer job orders and part of the analytical management. Please refer to the relative manual for more details.


Arpro Quantum Accounting

Used in the context of the production and included in customer job orders and part of the analytical management. Please refer to the relative manual for more details.